The girls and I went to Target yesterday to get presents for the birthday party they were going to today. I let them each pick out an outfit. Here's what they came home with (except the jean jacket on Amelia).

The birthday party was a dog party. Each little girl brought her favorite stuffed dog (plus Amelia brought Pat, her bunny). They did face paiting. Amelia is a greyhound, Margaret a dalmatian.
While they were at the party, I played with Photoshop with a friend. I learned about brushes and layers. Now I feel like I have enough knowledge to be dangerous! Here's one of the photos we played with.

This is what the original looked like. It is a good shot and really doesn't need too much work, but it was the one I happened to pull up to "dreamify" and "grunge". Look
here for a better example of the before and after...from the source/inspiration of the technique.
I don't know if I'll have time to "play" this week, but I think I'll pull up a photo badly in need of work and show you all the things I do with it. Fun, fun, fun. (Hey, is that my new word, or what
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