Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Field Day

Last week at Amelia's school was "field day". The kids were split up into groups, and they sometimes competed as a group, and sometimes the group members competed against each other. When they competed within the group, a first, second, third place ribbon (etc) were handed out. Amelia is pretty small for her grade, and would not have a good chance of winning in "traditional events", like the 40 hard dash or ball throw.
She is, however, a good jump roper. Her gym teacher (who absolutely adores her... says her "hello" every morning makes his day...and I can't disagree with him) said she was working very, very hard on jump roping.
Well, she won her group! Her first blue ribbon ever (her words).
This is Amelia jumping in the air when she realized she won the blue ribbon.
This is Amelia showing her friend her ribbons.

I'm not sure what makes me happier, that Amelia actually worked at something? Or that she has connections with friends who actually were excited that she won a blue ribbon? The excitement she showed after winning that blue ribbon is something I won't forget in a long time. And the thankfulness for her teachers and friends is something I will cherish even more.

1 comment:

mindakms said...

Oh how wonderful and sweet! She really got some air on that jump! No wonder she was a blue ribbon winner!