I scrapbook. But not as much as I used to. I'm looking for full time work as an engineer. I'm a wife and mother. Luckily that hasn't changed. But because I have named my blog already, I'm still going to say that I'm a Scrappin' Engineer Mom.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
I golfed last evening. Did well. Had fun. Enjoyed being outside.
Here's the scorecard. Not bad considering I haven't golfed in five years.
Nancy, I am a follower of your blog -- a rather silent one, but a follower none the same. I read Minda's, Yours, and Lance's. Kind of a peek into what you guys are doing. I enjoy reading what you have to say and what you've been up to.
Wow I am quite impressed with your score that after a 4 year hiatus (?) I missing golfing in my Wednesday morning league. I would hsot in the mid 40's on a good day after practising with DH!! He would always try and help but I never listened. What else is new??? FORE!! Susan
UGH! Golf! More scrapbooking, less golf!!!
100 stitches!?!?!?!?!!?! Yeowch.
As for my love affair with golf...oh well, we all have our weaknesses. :-)
I am a follower of your blog -- a rather silent one, but a follower none the same. I read Minda's, Yours, and Lance's. Kind of a peek into what you guys are doing. I enjoy reading what you have to say and what you've been up to.
Wow I am quite impressed with your score that after a 4 year hiatus (?) I missing golfing in my Wednesday morning league. I would hsot in the mid 40's on a good day after practising with DH!! He would always try and help but I never listened. What else is new??? FORE!!
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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