I golfed a 44 yesterday. Two pars, Three bogies. One eight (yuk!...one goal is to never get an 8) It was gorgeous out and I had a great time. Only one 3-putt with two 1-putts. (I like to avoid three putts, also)
My iron count is down to 9. (Blood iron, not number of iron clubs in my golf bag :-))Can you say "Anemia"? Back on the iron pills. I guess I need to stop donating blood...I have enough iron to donate, but it does seem to take the body a while to get it back. I have enough trouble with energy levels without draining iron from it. But donating blood is such good and easy thing. I guess I'll have to make sure I add a multi-vitamin with iron once I get over this low count episode.
I'm golfing with my hubby tomorrow am and then cropping the rest of the day at the scrapbook store. Sounds great, eh? I needed a day off...away from kids. Charlie will be out of town again this weekend.
And now...before I log out...a picture...just to clarify my love affair with historical pictures (remember the bloomers a few weeks back?). Enjoy!

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