Here are some this week for my memory (and your amusement if you are so inclined):
One of the soccer teams in Margaret's league is the called the Momentum.
She asked me what momentum is. I said something like, "Well, it's when you get something started and it just keeps going".
"Oh. Like infinity" was her response.
Margaret will sit and read the schedule for her soccer league over and over and over. I taught her to read all the team names so she doesn't have to keep coming and asking me. There are fourteen teams, so each "set" of games has 7 games. One night next week, however, are 6 games. She went through and figured out which two teams are not playing. Good job Margaret! She also knows which friends are on which teams, and wants to go early or stay late so she can watch them.
Today is going to be the "Best Day Ever" (sing that if you are a Sponge-Bob fan). That's what Margaret has been singing. She has a field trip at school (to the arboretum....should be a great day for that) and then a Birthday party tonight. At a bowling alley. So it will be the "best day ever".
With the field trip the kids get buddies. Margaret's teacher sets it up so kids get to choose their buddy, and kids get to take turns to do this. If a kid chooses you, you are their buddy. No ifs, ands or buts about it. One boy chose Margaret. His name is Sawyer. She is bummed about having Sawyer as a buddy. She wants to be with Katie and Mirabelle. Plus.."He is one of the three boys in the class that I don't want to marry" said Margaret. "Why is that?" I ask. "Sawyer and Brendan and Max. She said. I don't want to marry them. They're goofy." " And I LOOOVE Cameron. He's my soul mate" (OK...where did she get that line?) "But Dominic is my best friend. And Katie is my next best friend. And Lily is my next best friend and then Mirabelle"
"We didn't get to hit the ball today in gym 'cause the guys were being annoying. And they all had to go to the bathroom. And we had to leave early, so we didn't have time to hit the ball. But I didn't have to go to the bathroom. And Cameron was first in line, but he had to go to the bathroom. So I got to be the line leader."
etc. etc.
Amelia is not a chatter, so we never got these type of incident details about the school day from her. It is really hilarious to just listen to Margaret go on and on and on about her day. I can tell when she's tired, because then we don't get the stream of stories. Last night she was definitely on her game!
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