Thursday, April 26, 2007


I was tagged by the Scraploft gals (I assume it was Sarah...since she reads blogs but never comments on them :-))

I am supposed to give seven random facts or pieces of information about myself and then tag seven folks.

Here goes:

1) I like reading people's answers from these chain information things, and I don't personally mind answering them. But I never pass them along.

2) I have become a pretty decent storyteller. My daughters have been asking for bedtime stories for three years now. They always want me to make up something different. Right now Amelia is into stories where she is a Pokemon healer (like Nurse Joy...if you watch Pokemon).

3) I used to collect a T-shirt from everywhere I visited. Then when I realized I had a giant box of T-shirts that I would never wear I switched to Pins. I have about 50 pins from places I've actually been. (Only started this about 10 years ago)

4) I LOVE the Olympics. Remember awhile back when you could buy the extended coverage. (Red, White and Blue channels)? We did. The coverage was so much better then because you got to watch the competitions and not have to watch 10 minutes of "feel good" stories about the atheletes before each little snippet of sports. My daughter Amelia was born on the day of the opening ceremonies of the Nagano, Japan, Winter Olympics. I remember watching a lot of overnight coverage (again, the good stuff) during the first week. We are considering going to the Olympics in London in 5 years. Time to start saving now!!! We went to the Olympics in Atlanta and it was soooo cool.

5) I think "Princess Bride" is just about the best movie ever made. I could watch it over and over. In fact...I may watch it this weekend. It's been awhile.

"Stop it now, and I mean it"
"Anybody want a peanut?"

(Note... I did get the new GinX paper line called "As You Wish" from Scraploft It's great paper. Best designs I've seen from GinX in awhile.

6) I think analyzing data and doing statistics is way cool. Very fun and the favorite part of my job. It's like a mystery that you get to solve...trying to figure out what is going on.

7) I don't really read much. I think that I think I have too much to do and just can't sit still that long. I end up getting up and doing a load of laundry. Getting up and cleaning something, Getting up and paying bills. I know that I spend a lot of time doing things other than getting things done. Somehow, reading just doesn't raise to the top of the list of things I choose to do when I think I have a moment. This fact surprises most of my friends.

That's all. Now I one. See fact #1. :-)


Bonita Rose said...

interesting facts nancy.... way cool.

Marcy said...

I was just admiring the new Gin-X line on Scraploft!! It is so yummy!