The taxes are almost done; i just need to review our charitable deductions an check the whole thing.
So what have I done instead? Clean the kitchen. Including cleaning out the refrigerator and washing the shelves in there, and cleaning out the bread door.
Now I'm going to blog.
One other high item for the weekend is to get pictures from California printed. It will take a lot of time to upload them, so I want to get it started and just let it run while I do something else. (Other than taxes, of course)
I suppose I'll print between 100 and 200. (At least). Plus some enlargements for the grandparents
The other item high on my list for the weekend is scrapping. I am trying to save that as a reward for completing taxes. My topic for the weekend is baby albums. Yep. I've never done baby albums for the girls. My Pine Cone Press Bookclub book this month is Babies, so I decided to jump in.
I found the albums I had purchased for baby albums. First I had some Creative Memories albums, then these K&Co.
Part of me says...just use the K&Co albums. They are pretty, even if they are a bit dated. Part of me wants to get rid of every post bound album I have. I just don't like the way they lay and sit on shelves. Still contemplating and welcoming your advice.
I also plan to scrap kits over the next month. I have a few kits leftover from bookclub and some that I've purchased (Coordinate Collections and Jenni Bowlin). I thought I would just pull them out one and at time and use them for as many pages as I can and then move on to the next kit.
So... on to take a shower and take the girls to the library (our new Saturday morning tradition). Then I think I'll do a scrapbook page. And THEN do the taxes.
Yeah. Right...
Do those taxes, girl!! And good for you for taking on the babies scrapping challenge for bookclub this month. I know most people weren't very excited about it. I know you'll have beautiful pages to show us.
The great post-bound vs. strap hinge debate. That's a tough one, I've gone back and forth myself. At this point, I'm a post bound girl... but there are advantages and disadvantages to both. Well, choose what appeals to you. And try not to look back... converting from one to the other is at best a pain and at worst near impossible!
Oh yeah, and D-ring....
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