Thursday, April 05, 2007

Internet Withdrawal

So on my vacation, I learned that not every household has a fast computer with a fast internet connection. My dear SIL is a case in point. They have a home computer, but it is of the slower variety and their DSL is not blazing either.

It ended up being too much of a pain to get to the internet.

So I went FIVE days without e-mail and blogs. I felt disconnected and disoriented. I am still catching up on blogs. (Thank goodness I could count on Sue's blog to not have been updated during that time period. One less blog to catch up on.)

I'm not sure I like the fact that I am addicted to the internet. And I'm sure I won't be giving it up for Lent anytime soon. (especially since Lent is almost over for this year :-) )

1 comment:

Bonita Rose said...

totally addicted here too. no apologies.