Here's a picture from the official first night of summer vacation. Amelia finished school on Tuesday the 12th. These were taken that night at the local wading pool. The girls' friend Skylar is in the picture with them. Unbelieveably, school will start again 12 weeks from the day this picture was taken. It will be a fun and busy summer!

Amelia does her best Wallace imitation: "Cheeese, Gromit!"

Here's Margaret, playing in the late sunlight hours. We were at the pool until about 8:45 pm..and could have stayed longer!
Enjoy your summer! I know I will.
I hope you have a fab summer.
Just blog hopping and found yours.
Take care
The light in the Margaret one is yummy! What a beautiful memory, I love that summer is finally here. Whenever you take time off of work to be with the kids let me know and maybe we can do something together!
Thanks to this post, we went to that pool yesterday for several hours. LOVE that pool! Then we went over to the Linden Hills one for several more hours. Five hours of swimming pools. I'm crispy. Then today it was 2.5 hours at the beach. Am I doing the right thing? Andrew says he is having the best summer ever!.
I need to hear Amelia's "Cheese, Grommit". hee. It is one of my favorites!
I can't believe how quickly the summer is passing by!! How do we slow it down so that we can enjoy it?
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