Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A color for Suzy Q


My apologies for not thinking of a color! (I guess I should have expected forgetting at least one important person, eh?)

I have been thinking a bit. The colors that come to mind are yellow for hope, orange for laughter, and's leave that there.

Glad to see you are reading my blog. I guess I have to be careful what I say...who knows who is reading?


Nicole said...

Even though Suzy is very important - only forgetting one person is doing pretty good!

Bonita Rose said...

hey it happens, ur only human....
and if it was me, I'd pick pink for suzy.. just cuz pink is a warm and fuzzy color..and my opinion of suzy q is that she's a real softie.... heart of gold that woman.. hugs suzy..
and ur right nancy, u never know who's reading.. lol

nancy_scraps said...

Good call Bonnie. I missed her heart of gold.

Suzy said...

Thank you very much! I am always here in the back row cheering you on. I love my colors! I am a little worried about the gray