Monday, March 12, 2007


And the magic number is...70. Yes. Somehow I got 70 scrapbook pages done this weekend at a group crop up at CJs. And a lot of them were actually good.

The paper lines available these days are so beautiful they don't need a lot of reinforcement. I did all hand journaling and used stickers, rub-ons, or the Cricut for my titles. I only sewed on one page. I did some stamping and inking, but not a lot. I didn't touch my 3 boxes of ribbon.

So they were simple and went quickly.

And the weekend was perfect. Lots of scrapping. Naps and walks. Meals all planned and only had to "cook" once. Great company. I missed my family a bit, but it is also good to get a break from them. I'm looking forward to next year already. I wonder if I can get 70 more pages done before next year's weekend?

I will get around to posting some pictures of my favorites sometime this week.


Anonymous said...

SEVENTY!?! Wow you beat my personal best and you are my idol. Now I have something to strive for!!! Can I have your autograph???


Marcy said...

Not only did you complete SEVENTY pages, but your pages are FABULOUS!! I loved so many of them. I was admiring the pile on your work area one time that you weren't there and I forgot to tell you how much I liked the birthday page with the squares!!

nancy_scraps said...

That page was actually from a CKU class (how long ago was that? 2 or 3 years?). Ali Edwards designed it.
(I did, however, interpret it, so I'll take a little bit of acceptance of the praise)

mindakms said...

Nancy, it is untrue that some of them were good. They ALL rocked! I'm not kidding readers, her pages were one right after another fabulous. I sat next to her all weekend and was in awe. Such a gem!

Bonita Rose said...

wow.. looks u guys had a blast, and 70 pgs, wow!!! u go girl!

~ alli ~ said...

70?!?! That is amazing! Good for you! Glad to hear you had a fun productive scrap weekend. :)