My most used book? Faye Morrow Bell's. Her style really speaks to me. I also really like Ali's first book, and Cathy Z's first book. I haven't bought Cathy's second. I have both of Rebecca Sower's books and really enjoy them. Her first was the first idea book I bought, I believe.
The best all around books. The "Designing with" series. I own "Designing with...paper, stamps, photos, words, and fabric". These book are so well done and overall the best books.
I also am keeping a few other novelties; The simple scrapbooks book on color, the Making Memories books "Beyond Metal, Beyond Attachments, Ribbonrie, and Paper Cachet". I'll also keep the Donna Downey books. Jenni Bowlin's idea book for Lil' Davis and the 7Gypsies Paris book are also keepers. (I still love the shabby chic /collage /junked up look, even though it is out of style right now) Two chatterbox books. The KI Memories idea book.
Going in the Garage sale? Lisa Berenson's book (1st one), all the Pine Cone Press book club books (except the Heritage one), and three doubles I had...(Only one was a major oops. The other I bought at a garage sale for $3, and the other I won at a crop). And some other bad ones just not worth mentioning. Also, all the creative memories idea sheets in the binder.
On the fence? The Making Memories books on Dye, Fabric, and Paint. A three part series in a box. They are nice, but I don't use. And the SEI idea books. These aren't great, but I have lots of SEI paper, and these may be useful in my need to use the up (Or I could sell the idea books AND the paper. hmmmm.)
One oddity in my series? No Becky Higgin's sketches. I already got rid of these. I just don't do sketches, for some reason. I am inspired by more than the placement of pictures on idea books. Sometimes it's the paper used, sometimes it's a title or embellishment. Looking at sketches is not the kind of inspiration that does it for me. I may be unusual in this respect. Not sure.
So...what area of the collection to tackle for the garage sale after idea books?
I'll leave you with this picture...

1 comment:
How do you like Ali's new book? I ripped out her 10-picture LO section from the July CK. I can't wait to lift some of the ideas, especially the overlapping circles!
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