Friday, March 31, 2006

Orville...a dog story

I have a book recommendation for my two most loyal readers...Minda and Marcy. (I think they are also my ONLY readers)

This is a book you would both love, and you can read it out loud to your boys. They would probably like it too (my girls do), but I love it more. I think it is about a 15 minute out-loud read with pictures and everything. It's one of those adult books disguised as a children's book.

The book is by Haven Kimmel, published by Clarion Books.

I can't say much about the book without "giving it away", but it is about an abandoned dog and it ends up happy, in a poignant sort of way. (Sorry for using that word twice this week)

Here's the line near the end I love so much...

And Orville wished he could say to people,
"There are ways to slip free of a chain."
But all he could do was watch them.

Give it a read, and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

mindakms said...

ooo, it sounds wonderful. off to the library website to reserve myself a copy. Thanks for the tip!