I have, however, made two lifestyle changes over the past few months. I suppose that if I had started either change on January 1, they would be called resolutions.
1) Weight loss. I joined Weight Watchers and it is working for me. I really need the weekly meeting plus the practical tools and tips they give you. I recently got my 10% weight loss award. It took about nine months...so it's been a slow trip downward. Which is good. It keeps it real and it makes it a LIFESTYLE change, not a diet or a "resolution". At that rate, I have another year before I would hit "Lifetime Member", but that's ok.
As long as I keep it off, eat healthier, move more. That's what it's about. It's not a race. I did treat myself to a pair of jeans in a size I haven't worn in years. And they really do fit. And I weigh less than my driver's license says I do. I call that success!
2) Bible reading. About a month ago I realized I really needed to get back in The Book. I am starting just by reading the appointed Psalms for each evening. It only takes 2 or 3 minutes, but the fact that I am keeping it up everyday is good. I also like that Amelia likes to come sit with me while I am doing my bible reading. This is a good example I am setting for her. (Unlike several bad examples I set for her...like my eating and exercise habits)
Turns out that her Godmother sent her a subscription to a kid's daily reading/devotional booklet by Scripture Union called snapshots,so now she can read with me. So, I got the adult version of the Scripture Union booklets called "Encounter with God", which will get me more into the Bible than just reading psalms.
A bit at a time.

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