The book they read was "Papa, please get the moon for me" by Eric Carle.

She made a cute picture with a ladder to the moon (I'll have to scan and post). We were talking about the book and she said "It was by Eric Carle."
I said. "Oh, is that the same man who wrote "The Very Hungy Caterpillar".
"Yep" she said. Then she went on to say...
"See ya' later, caterpillar."
I laughed. We then talked about how the library works, that someone else reads the same book you do after you return it. (That was a novel thought to her) We seem to do more book buying than borrowing, but that has changed over the past few months as I have decided that books are one type of clutter that I have in my house. (even good things can become bad in excess). I gave away a bunch of books and have been going to the library. But I haven't taken the girls in ages.
So..this Saturday (assuming the Minneapolis Public Libraries are open...a big assumption) I told the girls we would go the library and that they could get their own library cards and we could check out books.
Margaret asked:
"Do they have cat books?"
Reply..."Yes. They have a whole section of cat books"
"Horse Books?"..."Yes"
"Lion Books?" ... "Yes"
"Fire Engine Books?" ... "Yes"
"But those would be in the boys' section, right?" no answer from me
"Do they have a princess section? That would be just right for me" "I'm sure they have princess books, honey."
Just recording an ordinary conversation from ordinary life. Six year olds just come up with the greatest stuff.
I love ordinary conversation recordings. So special. So personal. Thanks for sharing. And now you have all the materials of a great scrapbook page.
That's why I write them here. I write them down when I'm thinking of it, and I know I can go back later and copy it in for a page.
Funny how Ali Edwards talked about exactly this same thing in ther E-zine this week.
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