I finished the other mitten except for the thumb. It looks smaller than the first mitten. A lot smaller. Noticeably. Not just me being picky. I am tearing it back to the cuff (needs a longer cuff for sure) and redoing. Only about 3 hours of work lost, and most of that was sitting talking to folks, so it wasn't really lost time. Note to self...relax when knitting. No need to pull those stitches so tight.
I was high bidder on a Super Spirograph this weekend! For only $52 (I had my bid set to go up to $67, so I'm happy with $52.) I won't get too excited until I have both Spirograph sets in my hot little hands. Persistance paid off!
I just noticed this is post #152 for me. I forgot to do a little self serving congratulatory pat on the back for hitting 150, so I'll do it for #152. Yay me! I believe my first post was back in February, so it looks like I'm averaging a post about every other day. That works for me, considering how busy I am!

Here's a random photo. It was taken on the California coast at Asilomar 17 or 18 years ago. It was one of those perfect days where we walked down the coast, jumping from rock to rock, watching the waves and the scenery, picking up shells and rocks. The snowy silt this morning made me wish I was on a warm beach. (I really do hate winter, not sure why I live here)
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Wow, two antique spirograph sets, you really are the BOMB! Or, instead of ripping out your small mitten you could use it as one of your mittens for your advent laundry!
Yeah. Except the yarn was $4.50/skein and the mitten takes one whole skein. Plus...I'd have to go back and buy another skein. I'll just rip it out. Good for the soul.
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