OK. So the photos are bad. But Amelia is really excited to get to be the "head angel". She comes out when the first angel announces Jesus' birth to the Shepherds. When we get to "suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host", that's where Margaret comes out.
I'm sewing angel costumes this week. I know I don't really have to, but they are SOOO excited about being angels that I WANT to. I found a super easy pattern, so it should go quick except for sewing on the gold trim. Like I needed something else to do this week. (Just kidding. I know, I know. MY CHOICE. Thank goodness for the flylady, or it would be a wild week!)
I think the photos are really sweet! How fun to be the head angel... And years later, Margaret can look back on her sense of >ahem< style.
The pictures are Amelia. And she dresses not too much different from this everyday, so I forgot about the impact these pictures might have to someone not accustomed to her sense of style. I tell ya', I'm just never sure what she's going to come down wearing in the morning. She is in third grade, so I suspect I should be pushing her to dress like other girls to reduce potential ridicule, but I just love the stuff she puts together.
She really wants to be a fashion designer (or a dancer)someday. Watch out world!
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