This cool picture is from my vacation this past summer to Alaska.
I so want to work on this scrapbook. Maybe it's time to dump everything else and work on it.
I scrapbook. But not as much as I used to. I'm looking for full time work as an engineer. I'm a wife and mother. Luckily that hasn't changed. But because I have named my blog already, I'm still going to say that I'm a Scrappin' Engineer Mom.
WOW !!! you should so work on this album!! Just think I had to pay a $49.95 to get that close to Shamu!!! You took a vacation with them! This coming from the girl who is four vacations behind!!
I think we paid $75 each to get this close. And they didn't even eat fish out of our hands.
We did get to see one final leap and splash as we were headed back to port...almost like the whale was saying good-bye.
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