The squngee sat in the garage all summer. You may recall that last spring I ran out of corn, and the squirrels got mad and chewed through the twine holding it to the tree. I noted it here, and was promptly corrected by the inventor of the squngee that hanging the squngee with twine is specifically noted as a no-no in the squngee documentation. (which I will readily admit I didn't read). Any way...this week I went to buy corn and chain.

The squngee now hangs in the tree by chain. With fresh corn on it.

Come and get it, little guys. I don't know how many squirrels ate from it last year, or if they are still around and will come back. Or if a new generation of squirrels will have to try their skills and patience to get their corn fix. It sure is fun to watch them bob up and down, hanging on for their lives. (or it looks like it anyway).
If you want a squngee... let me know. I can find out where to get one. They are pretty fun to watch once the squirrels figure them out and if you keep it loaded so they get in the habit of coming back.
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