Make sure you have all your digital pictures backed up somewhere...either on-line or on DVDs! You would never throw away your negatives, would you? Don't risk losing those digital files!
I scrapbook. But not as much as I used to. I'm looking for full time work as an engineer. I'm a wife and mother. Luckily that hasn't changed. But because I have named my blog already, I'm still going to say that I'm a Scrappin' Engineer Mom.
Thank goodness for my computer-geek husband. we have them on an externale hard drive so hopefully that will be an extra layer of protection. I sitll feel weird that there isn's a "paper trail" somewhere of all these memories. as i get ready for a crop in a couple of weeks the delemia that presents itself is what pictures to print????
Oh...I really hate the going through the pictures and deciding what to print and then uploading them to the printers. If I printed my own that would absolutely drive me totally nuts.
I still like just taking in the film and asking for double. I mail a few to grandparents, scrap a few, put a few in standard photo albums, throw a few, stick the negatives in negative sleeves, move on. (OK, so that isn't so easy, either). Seems more tangible, though.
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