A great picture of Amelia and her daddy. They are so sweet together.

Here's the stop before the bus came. It kind of has the 50s baby-boomer feel to it. Look at all those kids! And that's just from two sides of two blocks! A little different than the 50s? Only 2 stay at home moms. One single mom. The other four families? Dad is the usual dropper-offer. Moms tend to go in to work early (I guess so they can come home early to get supper ready)
I will try to finish the triangulation thread tomorrow. It is kind of a longish story, and want to write it well. (Since it will have only a few pictures).
And then Thursday...Kindergarten starts. (yep. My kindergartner snuck into this picture..she can't wait!) WooHoo! (or is that Wah!?)
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