Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lists of lists of lists

Yeah, there has been a break in my blog writing. Since anyone that follows my blog probably follows my Facebook, you should all know that I was laid off from Seagate that day after I wrote that last entry.

I have been working on the resume and contact list, but mostly I have been in denial and am finding other things to distract my mind.

I think the biggest thing on my to-do list (this would be the "master" to-do list) is to declutter my memorabilia stashes. I went through one box today and threw over half of it. I hate to mess up the layers too much, because like an archeological dig, I can date items by what I find around them. But to share what a mess I am (and mess is a compliment), in this same box I found...

A list of "10 things I want my Children to Know" (A nice list that I will share with you all someday.)

All my performance appraisals from a period of about 6 to 10 years ago.

Vegetarian recipes (Yeah. I went through that phase. Too hard for me to really commit to. Plus I like ham too much.)

A sheet on "Why do Yoga?"

A packet of bible studies on the Healing stories of Jesus

A note from our ex-next door neighbor that she wrote us shortly after she moved. Um...8 or 9 years ago?

A random airline ticket.

A copy of a magazine with a cover article about laughter at work.

Father's Day cards from kids to Charlie from about 4 or 5 years ago.

And the funniest thing ever... It is a list of scrapbook projects. I made the list on August 18th, 2003. I know because I dated the list. And I dated the date I made a revision..., January 27th, 2004. On it I have 16 albums listed that I wanted to complete. For each album there is an entry for each of these items:

% done, Album type, complete goal, and then an empty column where I hand wrote status. I even crossed out due dates and put in new due dates. You know...so I could see the due dates "slip". Just like a project at work. It is freakin' hilarious funny.

I remember when I ran my entire life like that. Things went smoother. I think I felt less overwhelmed. But I don't think I can go back. It just made me giggle. Giggle. Giggle.

Of the 16 albums on this list, I have completed 4. (not so bad) Four that I still haven't completed are the "missing years" of my life right after Margaret was born and I did not handle life with 2 kids so well. Two incomplete are the kid's baby books. I only have ever done a cover page for each. I may as well punt on those. Two are heritage type albums that I will still do someday. I have punted on the rest of the projects...mostly vacation albums. Those don't make much sense if you do them 6 years after the vacation is over.

OK. Back to serious job hunting, but I am vowing to get through at least one pile of this stuff every day. Hopefully I'll be starting a new job before I get all the way through them, but it would also be nice to be done with them. I just won't wish for being out of work that long, ok?


Suzy said...

I am sorry to hear about your job. I wish you good luck in your search for a new one.

Anonymous said...

Nancy, I am so sorry about the job situation. I'll keep you in my thoughts.