They must have been gifts. I can't believe I ever allowed them to be played in my house.
I am now listening to John Rutter direct the Clare College choir. So wonderfully beautiful. I have tears in my eyes at several junctures because it is just so rich and lovely.
One of my other resolutions is to listen to more good music this year. I had forgotten how much I loved Choral music. I guess the demise of WCAL (St. Olaf's classical radio station that they sold to MPR) contributed somewhat, but I just haven't pulled the albums out much lately. This one is rich enough to listen to all by itself for many, many days, weeks, or months.
The above pictured CDs are now safely placed in the donation bag. I supposed I shouldn't ever expose anyone's ears to that music again, but maybe someone wants it? The future of pop music depends on it.
(Oh...and yes, I did call them albums. Sorry. Habit. I'll put them (the Rutter that is) on the MP3 player, but it's just not the same as listening to them in a room with unfettered ears!)
Oh... and for the record... Margaret came into my room as I was listening to the Rutter and the first words out of her mouth were "Ooooh. Pretty."
I have several things like that to go in the donation bag! LOL speaking of good music...Time Life Rock Ballads..I'm telling you!
Mmmm...I just love when you find a record that can bring tears to your eyes! Every time I hear "Ave Maria" it makes me well up....EVERY time!
lol, as i was reading this, my 4 year old came in and looked and said "oh, my little pony" lol
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