I got some pictures back from having taken the girls school shopping.

Here's some shots from the dressing rooms..

And here's the loot once we got home (before the fashion show started :-))

Have a groovy day!
I scrapbook. But not as much as I used to. I'm looking for full time work as an engineer. I'm a wife and mother. Luckily that hasn't changed. But because I have named my blog already, I'm still going to say that I'm a Scrappin' Engineer Mom.
Isn't it quaint how they are spelling Dayton's these days?
Congrats on your 100th post, you rock baby!
At least your Marshall Fields still has the original sign up, the one is Burnsville has the one on the outside taken off and the side sign has Macy's underneath...I received my Macy's card in the mail the other day and I almost threw it away...(notice I said almost ;))
Congrats on your 100th post. I read daily I don't offer comments as much as I should. Keep up the good work!! Susan
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