Each child chose a person and read an easy biography (or had one read to them). They picked out the born and died years (if dead), and three facts about that person. They had simple costumes and a prop or poster if that made sense. They stood still in a pose until you came up and "pushed their button". Then they recited their list of facts and went back into their still pose at the end.
Margaret picked Mia Hamm. Here she is...
Here she is painting her poster last night...
There were a lot of atheletes. Current (Adrian Peterson, Randy Moss, Kevin Garnett) and retired (Babe Ruth, MaryLou Retton, Mia, Jackie Robinson, Michael Jordan) It really is quite amazing how much impact atheletes have on culture today.
Also artists. (Georgia O'Keefe, Pablo Picasso, Mary Cassat) There was one ballerina (Maria Tallchief). I also saw Houdini, Neil Armstrong, John Glenn, Martin Luther King, Jr., Albert Einstein, Sheryl Crow, Christopher Columbus, King Tut, Florence Nightingale. It was pretty cool.
WTG Margaret!! You made a wonderful poster and you are a very cool Mia Hamm!
WOW that poster is fabulous! She did a great job!!
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