Saturday, April 14, 2007

Found...Baby Stuff!


I knew the closet in which this stuff was housed. The scary closet. The one I haven't de-cluttered. Boxes of negatives. Boxes of memorabilia from my life and from Charlie's and for the girls and from my parents. Heritage photos. Geneology research. School papers. It's the closet I told my husband to save if we ever had a fire. (Like you could save a whole closet.)

I found the box I needed to "start" the baby books. Yes. I have made progress. I was able to work on the books without having the "cover page" done. Without ultrasound pictures or wrist bands or the hospital picture. Years ago I would have been paralyzed if I couldn't work in chronological order.

1 comment:

Bonita Rose said...

wow nancy, great u found all that.... precious things indeed! hugs