Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Spirograph Fever

OK...I have Spirograph Fever. Vintage, REAL Spirograph fever. And despite a friend's recent problem with E-bay, I find myself inexorably drawn to it to find a Spirograph. One is selling for $80 right now. $100 for a deluxe Spirograph. Turns out that they are quite the collector's item (Drats! I wanted one for the fun of it, not for the collection value)

I had both of these and the Spirofoil when I was a kid. I LOVED them. I was looking for one for my daughter for Christmas, but what Hasbro sells now is a pale imitation of what we had in the 60s.

Here's what I want...and I will bid until I get one for under $50 (if that's possible!)

And if you know you have one that you'd like to sell to make some money...or you ever see one at a garage sale, PICK IT UP!!! I'm in the market for one.


Anonymous said...

I had that exact same set...I so loved that stuff. I could sit for hours and hours. My mom had it saved for a while and when my little brothers came along they decided it would be better served as weapons so ALAS no spirograph for me either!!! Thanks for the memories....Susan

mindakms said...

Oh, I've been wanting one too, and hadn't thought of Ebay yet...for an obvious reason! I loved my spirograph and even tolerated the inferior one my bigs had.