I found a box of shorts from before the girls were born. Early to mid 90s. High waisted, pleats, about 4 inches above the knee, cuffs, large diameter legs. I tried every single one of them on and they all fit. And then I put them in the donate box, because they are hopelessly out of style.
I did keep 2 pairs of blue jeans. They are a bit high waisted and narrow, narrow legs, but they are cozy and they make my butt look great.
I had cleaned out boxes of clothes several years ago and had given away all the 14s in despair that they would ever fit. I guess finding this box was a nice little gift to myself... I didn't want to keep them, but if I wanted to, I could have... and WORN them.. :-)
I took this picture a month or so ago to celebrate my purchase of size 12 pants. I can't remember if it was ever posted here on my blog, but it goes great with this subject.

Looking great Nancy! Congrats on getting stuff out of the house and congrats on the new size! Very envious of you!
I have some questions for an engineer mom from another engineer mom. :) I didn't see another place to contact you other than through a comment... could you email me at freckletons at gmail.com? Thanks!
Woo hoo! you look fabulous!!
Hope your trip is going well! call me if you still want to meet up!
tagged you on my blog ;o)
I think it's great that you're losing the weight in a healthy way and have beautiful kids to show for it. I suffered from an eating disorder for about 5 years and it still haunts me today. Believe me, it's not worth it. Being curvy is beautiful and I get that now.
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