Well, I haven't posted lately.
My father-in-law died a week and a half ago. It was a bit whirlwind at the end, with a swift movement from our knowing he was sick (because he finally went to a doctor about it) to his death less than two weeks later. Charlie was obviously tied up with that, including a trip to Albuquerque for a week. The girls and I flew out for two days for the funeral in the middle of that. He was 87. He was a kind and wonderful man.
I tried to post a few pictures from the day, but blogger isn't letting me. I always feel weird taking photos at the reception following the memorial service, but know from pictures of my family growing up that sometime that is the only time everyone gets together. (which is kind of sad, too)
Anyway, I have had a lot of blog worthy thoughts lately (well...worthy for my blog, at least) but just haven't had the gumption to write them down. October will be better. Maybe.