Friday, January 25, 2008


The other day the girls were swatting around balls in the kitchen with brooms. I asked if they were playing broomball.

I was informed that they were playing Quidditch.

Charlie just finished book 1 (that would be Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.. I purchased the book in Singapore and it is the British version... crisps, trainers, windscreens, and jumpers!), and the girls have enjoyed it very much.

I think they will be watching that movie today (girls have the day off of school) and we just started book 2. I'm not sure how far we will read, Margaret is in 1st grade and the books get pretty intense in a few books. No nightmares so far, so we'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the entire series in the British version and just love them. So nice to read it in the original...