Wednesday, August 08, 2007

New picture!

Michelle's comment reminds me I need to have a new picture taken. This one is by my 6 year old.

I am 6 pounds away from my weight before I had kids. That was ten years ago. That's my next goal! I can tell you the weight has shifted around however. I lost a lot of weight in my back end but not much on the top. Very weird, but I won't complain about that too much. (Oh...and I still don't have a waist...never really did)

After I hit that goal we'll see how it's going and if I want to work at this some more. The eating less (i.e an appropriate amount of food) has been easy. Doing exercise has not. That is my downfall...I am a couch potato.


Bonita Rose said...

the pic is fabulous! Ur gorgeous gf! hugs

Nicole said...

Love the pic! Congrats on being so close to your goal weight! That's really a great accomplishment!