Thursday, May 25, 2006

Picture Project: Phase 2: rescan and lighting

I recleaned and rescanned and was able to get rid of the fuzzy piece in dad's head.
Then, I played some with the lighting and colors. Here's tonight's work...I don't know if it's where I want to go, but it is definitely better already. It's a little dark and a little too red, but I didn't like the auto-enhance settings at all. I'll probably start over with it this weekend.

One problem, a defect right in Mom's eye. I tried to get it off before scanning, but it just does not want to appears to be in the emulsion/film. I tried some zooming in and cloning, but still not happy with it.

I also used the dodge tool on mom's necklace..perhaps a little too heavy handed.
I also used the magic wand to grab mom's and dad's faces and darkened them a bit.

I can see there is a lot to learn here, but having fun!

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