I went to Michael's at lunch today because I wanted to get scalloped scissors (Yes, my vast extension of decorative scissors did not include a basic round scallop) and some small number stamps (about 1/2" tall).
I was crabby about buying number stamps because I know I used to have some. I must have sold them during my extensive purging. But I have several calendar projects to do and really wanted stamped numbers. Well... I was able to use my 40% off coupon so they only cost me $3.50, and the scissors were only $1.99.
What else did I get for my $6 Michaels trip? Well... a check out lady named JoAnn (I loved that! Made me smile) and when I got back to work I got to park next to....get this...a Hummer.
I thought Hummers were conspicuous consumption and pretty stupid at $2/gallon. Now at $4? Wow. I think they get 2 miles to the gallon. In fact, I read once (3 or more years ago) that in a customer satisfaction survey, the #1 complaint of Hummer owners was gas mileage. Hello?!? Were you paying attention when you bought it? Anyway, I always smile when I see the Hummer in the parking lot. It just seems silly.